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4th Quarter: 4 Ways to Keep Self-Care in the Game.
Hello Flower Tribe, Wow, can you believe it? It's already October! If you're like me, then 2018 has FLOWN by and we are now in the 4th...

Healing is our own Work: A Dive into the show Love Is.
Disclaimer: This blog has spoilers. Hello Flower Tribe, I'm sure many of us are going through withdrawals now that the show Love Is has...

Why Being a Superwoman Might be your Kryptonite
Hello Flower Tribe, This summer has been full of blood moons, solar eclipses and full moons. Everyone is busy talking about how these...

Respect my NO!
Hello Flower Tribe, The other day, my eldest daughter, was really pushing to get her way. She was extremely persistent in asking for what...

Why Pink Couch Conversations are Important.
Hello Flower Tribe, We hope that you have been tuning into our weekly vlogs on Youtube and Facebook every Monday. Every 4th Monday...

Morning Lovin': 10 Steps to Establising your Morning Self-Care Routine
Hello Flower Tribe, I hope to have caught you at the rising of the sun and in your bed. Before you hop out, let's take a second to talk...

Be your Best Unicorn!
In a world full of sameness , I encourage you to be your best unicorn! Hello Flower Tribe, We are in the day and age of duck lips, deuces...

She's not too getting Black. He's not too Pale. Stop Teaching Our Children Colorism!!!
Hello Flower Tribe, Happy Belated Summer Solstice! We are officially in the summer season! I know for many, this is your favorite season,...
Traveling without the Kids
Hello Flower Tribe, Summer is here and I know we're all so ready! Yes to the sunshine, bright skies, longer days and VACATIONS! How many...
Vacay: Who let the Curls Out?!
Hello Flower Tribe, Wagwan! (Patois for "what's going on.) I send this greeting from an unfortunately less warm climate. If you're...
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