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Traveling without the Kids

Hello Flower Tribe,

Summer is here and I know we're all so ready! Yes to the sunshine, bright skies, longer days and VACATIONS! How many of you are ready?

As you may have read in a previous blog, I kicked the summer off with a vacation to Jamaica. What you may not have known is this was an "adults only" trip. Yes, you heard right I took a trip to Jamaica, left the girls for 5 days 4 nights and I had a BLAST.

Before, I jump into how great vacationing without kids may be let me give you a little background information. This journey has not always been easy for me. In fact, it was down right hard to vacation without them. In my first years of being a parent, I did not do any vacationing without them. I was so consumed by the mommy life that I did not really see the value of doing things without the girls. In fact, it took me until my youngest daughter was 5 to even be open to the idea of traveling without them.

I remember my first vacation without them. I was going to one of my best friend's wedding in Punta Cana. We were staying for about 5 days 4 nights. I remember the thought of being so far from them freaked me out. I had a long list of things for everyone to remember. I made sure my entire family knew my discomfort around the idea of being gone from them and that the only reason I was even considering going was because of who it was. When I landed in the Punta Cana, I remember immediately securing my Wifi and Facetiming the girls as soon as I settled. Even despite having so much fun on vacation, I made sure I maintained communication with them the entire trip.

Fast forward to now, I was SO ready! I was in a completely different place that I had been in years past. I mean I packed my bags in advance and was counting down the days until I was able to head out to Jamaica.

Vacationing without kids allowed me to really connect with my partner and myself. I was able to do things that made me happy. Traveling as a family helps your bond and connection with your family. Traveling without your children gives room for you and your relationships outside of them to grow.

Most mornings my schedule was so simple. I'd wake up, eat a light breakfast, head to a yoga class and continue to do other activities that were in alignment with the mission of the trip. The trip was centered around our adult needs instead of children's desires. I know it may be hard to admit, but we need time for just us and that's exactly what this vacation provided.

Are you planning an upcoming vacation without the kids? Here are some things to keep in mind!

1. You deserve time to yourself.

2. Vacations can be a way to learn new things about yourself, the world and your partner.

3. Kid-free relaxation is a great way to increase your patience and understanding.

4. You and your life are larger than your title(s).

5. It is important to explore the world around you. It is important to explore the world within you.

I hope these reminders help you on your new conquest.

Love always,


Need some new gear for your next trip? Great, OneSun3Flowers can help you!!! Visit our website ( for your next look and use the hashtag #onesun3flowers!

About the author:

Courtney Brookins is a mother, poet, author and educator. She published her first book, Flowering Yourself, which is a collection of poems. She is also the co-founder of OneSun3Flowers with her two daughters, which is an empowerment and leadership organization for women, girls, mothers and daughters.






YouTube: OneSun3flowers TV




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