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Vacay: Who let the Curls Out?!

Hello Flower Tribe,

Wagwan! (Patois for "what's going on.) I send this greeting from an unfortunately less warm climate. If you're following our social media accounts then you're aware that I spent the first week of June in Jamaica. Yes, that's right I kicked off the summer with the Caribbean Sea at my toes, sun on my back and welcoming sun rays.

This particular vacation, I decided to do something much different than I was accustomed to doing on vacations outside of the U.S., I WORE MY NATURAL HAIR.

If you're confused on why this might be a big deal, let me break it down for you. Culturally, women of color are taught to find protective hairstyles to wear which will allow us to not have to "deal with our natural hair."

As I continued to prepare for my vacation, I began analyzing how this type of mentality may be disconnecting from ourselves and our overall experience. If we do not want to "deal with our hair" how does that translate to how we feel about our hair in its natural state? I began to analyze if this was another statement which fueled the mentality that black hair is unmanageable & undesirable.

So I stepped out. I decided to wear my natural hair and you know what? My hair loved it! The combination of water, oil and sunlight were a perfect combination for my curl pattern. It allowed me to feel more connected to myself and my experience. I was able to embrace my natural beauty which encompasses my hair. I rocked my curls proudly and unapologetically.

Wearing my hair in its natural state reminded me a few things that I am excited to carry moving forward. One, my hair is not hard to manage and no matter where I go it is ok to wear it as it grows. Two, my hair enjoys warmth, water and sun just as much as my body and spirit do. There's no reason it should not get those same opportunities. Three, practicing self-love & self-care is inclusive of how I treat my hair and even more importantly how I view all parts of me.

Below I have captured a few hairstyles that I rocked in Montego Bay. Enjoy!!!!



P.S. If you're an avid traveler, we have something for you! Make sure you purchase one of these tees on our website ( and use the hashtag #onesun3flowers when you post a picture of yourself wearing it!

About the author:

Courtney Brookins is a mother, poet, author and educator. She published her first book, Flowering Yourself, which is a collection of poems. She is also the co-founder of OneSun3Flowers with her two daughters, which is an empowerment and leadership organization for women, girls, mothers and daughters.






YouTube: OneSun3flowers TV




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