Be your Best Unicorn!

In a world full of sameness , I encourage you to be your best unicorn!
Hello Flower Tribe,
We are in the day and age of duck lips, deuces up & "yassssss." As much as we are encouraging everyone to "live their best life" and to "just do you" imitation is at its all time high.
Trends are becoming more trendy. Social media seems to be a major source of the rapid spreading of ideas... and I see it affecting more than just children & teens. Adults seem to be affected as well.
So, I'm left wondering how do we teach our children to be themselves or unique when they are constantly seeing and hearing things that remind them to be like everyone else? How can we encourage our children to find their unicorn?!
Yesterday morning I shared that the girls and I hit a local farmer's market and then ventured into a family art class. The family painting was a unicorn and the girls were super excited to express their creativity on the canvas. When the instructor first began directing us, she allowed the children to decide if they wanted to use the unicorn stencil to outline the unicorn or to draw free hand. Each daughter chose a different option, but this led me to lesson number one.
Lesson 1: Allow your children the opportunity to make choices. This will help them develop their critical thinking and analyzing why they are doing what they are doing. It will also give them permission to be themselves.

As, the class continued. The girls were encouraged to begin painting their unicorn. The teacher gave suggestions on what colors should be applied where. She showed the students how to lighten & mix the different colors, what brushes to use and suggested ways to make their unicorn pop. She was really encouraging and open to children following their heart and not only doing what she was doing.
Lesson 2: Guide your children toward their masterpiece, but teach them to follow their heart. You can offer suggestions on how to accomplish their goals, but remain flexible with their path. They are their own person.

After the entire unicorn was painted, it was time to start painting the hair and horn. The hair on the picture was rainbow colored and the horn a bright gold. This was especially exciting to my rainbow loving child, but really all of the children were excited about the hair. As the girls began painting the instructor told them to just have fun!
Lesson 3: Allow your children to just have fun. There is so much research out there about the correlation between children playing and brain development. Let them be kids, play and enjoy life.
During the painting of the mane, I noticed two things. One, the girls chose two separate ways to paint the hair. Two, my youngest daughter's unicorn's hair looked nothing like the instructors (lol). I really wanted to jump in, but instead I asked if she would like some help. She replied, " No, I want my unicorn to look exactly like this."
Lesson 4: Respect your children's individuality. Allow them to be THEMSELVES. We want to let our children know that it's not only okay to be different, but that they were created to be that way. They are unique with purpose on purpose.
Lesson 5: Trust them and allow them to trust themselves. Trusting them will help them to build confidence in themselves. Allowing them to trust themselves will help them to develop their relationship with self and learn the importance of listening to their inner voice and making decisions.
Finally, once the painting was done the girls decided to put a crown on their unicorn. This was completely their choice and no one else did. The instructor loved their finishing touch and I did too.
Lesson 6: Unicorns wear crown too. This will remind them that they are both valued and valuable... it teaches them to keep their heads high and to walk proudly in who they are. It is a reminder that they were divinely & uniquely created.
The girls unicorns turned out differently from each other and different from the suggested outcome, but isn't that the point of a unicorn? Unicorns are unique, authentic and a rarity. A unicorn in unlike any other, yet they are beautiful and full of magic! So I leave you with this... be your best unicorn. You weren't meant to be like everyone else. You were meant to be you!

P.S. The girls created a few shirts for girls by girls to encourage you to be your best unicorn. Visit our website to purchase yours today! ;-)
...because life is better with "The Crew."

"The Crew" shirts are available at
About the author:
Courtney Brookins is a mother, poet, author and educator. She published her first book, Flowering Yourself, which is a collection of poems. She is also the co-founder of OneSun3Flowers with her two daughters, which is an empowerment and leadership organization for women, girls, mothers and daughters.
YouTube: OneSun3flowers TV