I Vote for my Daughters

Hello Flower Tribe,
Happy Election Tuesday! It is my hope that you're out there exercising your right to vote and actively engaging in this civic duty.
I know over the past few years, voter apathy has been at an all time high. There has been such a shift in our political climate that large groups of people stopped believing in the fact that their vote counts or voice matters. I understand that there have been and continue to be a lot of factors that play into this disbelief of governmental systems some being increased police brutality, closing of public school systems in minority areas, high unemployment rates and rigging of votes or turning away minorities in certain communities. These notable issues have directly impacted the minority and millennial votes in unprecedented ways.
While I understand the frustration and disappointment by these overt factors, I still cannot allow myself to stay away from the voting polls and I encourage you to not allow them to be deterrents in you making your decision to vote.
1. I vote for my daughters. Each year I take my daughters to the voting polls. This is a practice that has taken place for the past decade. Every year, I intentionally choose not to leave them elsewhere and make a decision to bring them with me so they understand that it is their right and civic duty to activate their voice in governmental affairs. I want them to understand that their voice counts whether they exercise it at voting polls or utilize it outside of the booth.
2. I vote so my daughters understand the history behind voting. I am not just raising girls. I am raising brown girls which is double fold. Historically, blacks AND women have literally fought, cried, petitioned and died for their right to be able to exercise their right to vote. I need them to understand in activating this civic duty they are not only advocating for their voice, but all honoring the voices of their ancestors. For EVERY woman, who was told that she did not "count" of matter and for EVERY person of color who was rejected, harassed, imprisoned and beaten just for trying to exercise their governmental right.
3. I vote because women's rights need to be everyone's rights. We need more progress with issues stemming around the female community. Women need to not only be at the voting booth, but we also need to be elected into governmental bodies to fight for equality and our women's right. We need to be able to advocate and provide understanding for issues that are sensitive and particular to our community inclusive but not limited to women's health care, reproductive rights, equal pay and laws that protect and honor our bodies.
Tribe, I encourage you to find your why, exercise your right to vote and most importantly remember that your voice always has and always will matter.
About the author:
Courtney Brookins is a mother, poet, author and educator. She published her first book, Flowering Yourself, which is a collection of poems. She is also the co-founder of OneSun3Flowers with her two daughters, which is an empowerment and leadership organization for women, girls, mothers and daughters centered around practicing self-care and building healthy relationships.
Website: www.onesunflowers.com
Book: bit.ly/flowering_yourself
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