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Shattering Glass Ceilings: Passing the torch to Post-Millennials

Fairy tales and Romance

Glass slippers, prince charming, Cinderella gowns, and awakening kisses- a young girl's childhood is filled with the fantasy of rescuing, romance, and companionship. It's no wonder that little girls grow up looking for their Romeo to save the day, for a handsome young Ken to play house with or a beast to match their Beauty. But, we then have to ask ourselves, "Is it little girls who need saving or is it society's paradoxical perspectives that need shifting?"

The Right Women for the Race

A few days ago, I re-posted a quote on my Instagram (@onesun3flowers) with a meme that read, "Teach your daughter to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings." Young girls are often fed romanticized ideas of companionship. I've asked myself, as a woman, how can we become catalyst for shifting orthodox expectations for our children? The good news is I think we are already doing it!

Women of Today

Women today are on scene and we are making huge waves in society. Among many great women, we have Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, Serena Williams & Maxine Waters, to name a few, as iconic depictions of excellence. Even beyond the media, women now more than ever, are challenging the status quo of modernized womanhood and re-defining it. We are chasing our goals and crossing the finish line. YES- women of today are showing out in so many different ways.

Women of the Past

I'd be remiss if I didn't pay homage to the women of the past who paved the way for us to live our wildest dreams. Womanist, such as, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, and Fannie Lou Hammer, were on the seen fighting for the opportunities that we have today. Before the increase in doctoral degrees, female entrepreneurship and women leadership there were women advocating for these opportunities. They had to fight for equality, acceptance, and even respect. To them I say thank you for providing us and the next generation with so many possibilities.

Generation NOW

There is a new generation of women emerging and they have hit the ground running. No longer are they waiting for life to give them opportunities, they are creating them! Mikaila Ulmer created Bee Sweet Lemonade which is now being sold in Whole Foods. Marley Dias created the #100blackgirlbooks campaign to increase diversity in literature and Maya Penn started her eco-friendly designer line. There are so many more girls worthy of mention, so as you can see post-millennials are establishing themselves in the world already. They are here, carrying the torch and running the race.

Magic is in the person

Women and girls are changing the world one person at a time. The race that begun a long time ago is continuing to transcend all industries, academia and organizations. No worry- there is no need for competition here. There is still so much work to be done & plenty of magic to go around. Besides, we realize the real race is with ourselves. It's all about becoming our BEST self. That's the real way to make change. Equally as powerful, we have learned that the magic isn't in being given the slipper. It's in the woman, or girl, wearing it.

About the author:

Courtney Brookins is a poet, author and educator. She published her first book, Flowering Yourself, which is a collection of poems. She is also the co-founder of OneSun3Flowers with her two daughters, which is an empowerment and leadership organization for women, girls, mothers and daughters.




Periscope + YouTube: @onesun3flowers



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