Sisterhood Unleashed: Blooming Collectively and Individually

Girls to the Rescue
Hello from GIRL World! If you've been following us on Instagram (@onesun3flowers or @sunkissed_chicsters) then you probably have noticed that we're thriving on #girlpower! Yes, that's right. The future is absolutely female and we're excited to be here for "girl joy."

Meet the Sun-kissed CHICsters
These sun-kissed, pink loving, glitter wearing, plant based eating, silly, energetic, Aries sisters joyfully venture through life united in sisterhood. The CHICsters are your traditional sisters from the sense of baking cookies together, building forts, picking each other's hairstyles & nail colors and unplanned "sister sleep-overs" where they nestle next to each other for a night's sleep. Some days are filled with frustrations about one sister wearing the other's hair bow, or tears because someone is not "in the mood" to snuggle. Sharing life can be great when you have a sister, but sometimes the girls need moments where they have time to be themselves individually, not just sisters.

Allowing differences & Creating Individualized Space
The girls need their own space sometimes. Heck- we all do! I respect and understand that need. While I want them to build their relationship together as sisters, I recognize that equally as important as them growing together, they have to grow as individuals. I want to be very careful with creating space that nurtures their own growth and honors their own needs. After all, it's important that the girls learn about self-care early on.
I have intentionally facilitated a culture of individuality in the midst of unity by letting them explore their own interests, needs and desires outside of their sisterhood. Although, many moments are shared together, I allow them space to have their own groups of friends, their own styles, and their own activities that do not include each other.

The CHIC Sister
My eldest daughter, the face of "Tween Talk", is quite the athlete. She spends many of her days running down soccer fields and challenging the goal. When she's not running behind a soccer ball she is tapping into the world of STEM and exploring the scientific world. Her favorite color is pink, but she makes time to remind me that black is a "classic" color and also adds that it looks good on EVERYONE. When she is not dressing herself, she comes to momma's aid by making sure that I look the part. She is always encouraging me to take the glasses off, put in contacts and to try a heel with my dress instead of a flat shoe. Yes, my 9 year old thinks she needs to come to my aid to help momma spruce it up a bit.

My youngest daughter, the face of "Conversations with a 7 year old", is a free spirited, creative. She loves all things Fine Arts. She spends her time modeling, tapping the dance floor and standing at the ballet bar. For her, the world is a movie and she's the staring actress. When she's not dancing or modeling, she is spending most of her time creating songs and coming up with creative sayings which empowers and softens the people within her universe. Her favorite color is "the rainbow"(You'd have to meet her to understand this response.) and she loves all things mermaid and unicorns.

Learning & Growing Together
Sisterhood is important, but so is individuality. I want the girls to be able to recognize their own voice. Our home is the first place where they are able to explore who they are and what makes them unique and beautiful. I am hopeful, that their individuality will strengthen their unity.
Exploration is an important piece of the process. We are growing and learning together. As flowers, we are continuously blooming into new versions of ourselves and sharing it with each other. The journey of motherhood and sisterhood does not have any road maps or special formulas, but we couldn't ask for anything better which makes us love each other a little more each day.
On behalf of the entire crew, thanks for sharing our journey. We hope you continue to join us on our sun-filled adventures into the world of motherhood and sisterhood.