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Self- care: Humanizing the conversation.

Self- care has continued to be the new "buzz" as we confront conversations of mental health. Wellness has expanded from a conversation limited to our physical well being, eating and exercise into a dialogue about our minds. The big question, however, is how do we make this more than just "talk?" Better yet, how do we take care of our mental well being?

As, we further examine the components of mental health and self-care, let's create a list of what self- care actually looks like. If we were to bring this concept to life and give it feelings, sounds, and an appearance; what does self-care ACTUALLY look like?

Giving self-care human qualities...

"How can we humanize a very, real and necessary conversation?", I asked myself. With great intention, I created a tangible characteristics about self-care by giving it a look, feelings, and sounds. Providing human like characteristics for a very HUMAN issue helps us to be to able to visualize what caring for ourselves actually encompasses.

What does self-care LOOK like?

Is it just making sure that our skin is clear, our nails and hair are growing, and we are physically fit? I think those things are definitely indicators of a healthy body, but we are all aware that we can physically look GREAT and not feel so good on the inside.

Self-care appears in the forms of love, happiness, peace, and contentment. The presence of these variables are great, healthy signs that you are caring for yourself. If you take a moment to shine light into your life love, happiness, peace and contentment should beam off you.

Adorn yourself in love, happiness, peace and contentment by taking moments to show yourself how you really care about your needs. Take moments to yourself to speak your love language. Dress yourself up in self-love by creating moments that allow you to nurture your being and to exemplify beauty and wholeness through self-fulfillment.

What does self-care FEEL like?

Moving more internally, let's examine how self-care feels. Feelings are a consistent experience for people. Most of us are aware of what we are feeling even if we have not examined the root of our feelings. (If this is not true for you, I would caution you to spend a little more time alone and take note of the feelings that arise in your solitude.) Our feelings are very good indicators of our mental and emotional health. As you continue to be reflective on the emotions and feelings that are present within you, take time to ask yourself, do feelings of peace, love, and protection arise from your being? Simply put, do you feel loved, protected and at peace? These intrinsic questions can begin to lead you down the path of self- examination and into focus about the state of your relationship with yourself.

Does self-care have a sound?

The answer is yes and no. But, caring for yourself, involves being intentional about the sounds that you allow into your physical space. The more you tune into your needs, the more you recognize what your body is craving. In setting an environment conducive for self-care, it is important that you take time to be silent. In silencing the outside environment, you can listen to the internal elements of your soul. You can listen to your thoughts and take note of your feelings. Outside of creating a still and silent environment, self-care shows up in words. Being mindful of the conversations that you have and advocating for your needs are two great ways to practice self-care.

Furthering the conversation

I am so proud that you have taken the time to actually read this article. Good for you! This means that the conversation of self-care is important to you and that is the first step! As you continue your day, I ask that you look, listen and bring awareness to yourself. This journey, like all journeys , should not stop here. Continue to be intentional about nurturing your relationship with yourself. Remember to make time for yourself daily by listening to yourself, loving yourself and honoring your needs. You deserve it!

With light and love,


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